Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 994: Not Quite A Poke In the Eye.

As you probably know by now (unless you’re only just joining us for the first time), Dragon-A-Day is also on Tumblr. As a result of this I get a lot of Navi-like notifications of things that are “going on” on the site, and general reminders to do more tumblin’. I don’t pay a lot of attention to them, but have left them on because I’m sure that as soon as I turn them off, something will happen that I’ll need/want to know about.

Anyhoo, today this happened:


Not only do I have fans, I gained a follower. I’m not sure what surprised me more.

After feeling like all the other notifications were insistent prods to the back of the head, this one was… not quite refreshing, but a welcome change of pace.

03202014 - Not Quite A Poke In The Eye.And naturally, right after my Adoring Public starts to make themselves known, I am going out of town for several days. I’ll be back on Monday night, so please don’t get all distracted by other things before then.


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