Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 831: The Bright Side.

There are things wrong with this piece. I’m not going to talk about them.

09262013 - The Bright Side.

Instead, I’m going to discuss the things I like.

I started off not knowing what I wanted to do. Then I decided I would draw a flying dragon with smallish forelimbs (in some sort of reflection of how real-world anatomy might work). Partway through, I decided that the heavy, armored head (which I feel is quite boss) didn’t make sense with the slender body and small limbs/claws, so I bulked them up.

I wanted to do more with the vanes of the wings (which aren’t quite apparent there), mayhap I’ll pick this up tomorrow and explore this further. Basically, because of the real-world considerations I was trying to keep in mind, I wanted to make the wings larger, but supported not by traditional wing-fingers (because bone is heavy, even if it’s got lighter composition), but by some sort of lightweight ribbing.

I originally had thoughts of some sort of webbed or ribbed tail, like for additional lift or coolness, but discarded it partway through- after sifting through complex tax rules for a few hours, I didn’t have the mental fortitude to figure out how it would work.

So this post didn’t end up being as smiles and candy as I originally planned it to be, but let it be known that I like this dragon.

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