Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 810: Combat Medic.

So I was sketching tonight and decided that I would draw a Hospitaler.

09042013 - Combat Medic

I got stuck on the breastplate, encountering the same problems that I had with Negadrake‘s armor- there’s not enough space to wrap around the body to make armor fit, if the sails of the wings attach all the way down the length of the body (which they should, you know, for greater surface area), so I was stymied as to how the thing would stay in position, as well as get put on in the first place.

And just as importantly, I really need to get the proportions down. That difference in neck length between the two sketches there is kind of bothering me.

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1 Response to Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 810: Combat Medic.

  1. Hey there!
    I recently finished two reference sheets.
    Here they are:
    http://negadrake.deviantart.com/art/Negadrake-Text-Reference-398643961 &
    Let me know what you think. I’m not entirely sure how to comprehensively describe a western dragon with all that anatomical metalanguage and stuff, but I’m getting there!

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