Spent some time today thinking about this dragon, who is also this dragon, this dragon, and even this dragon too, and set about putting him together properly. I left the wings out so i could look at his back without being distracted. I’m still fuzzy on his coloration, but I did have a pattern in mind.
I liked the attitude in this drawing, but I didn’t think that the dorsal spines were quite right- I’ve been drawing them really thick, and don’t think that that’s the case. Also, I think that the neck ought to be longer. In either case, I’m not sure about the hands and feet, but these will work for now.
This is a much better drawing, proportionately, though it’s a little stiff. It’s supposed to be more illustrative, a bit of a reference sheet if you will, but it definitely lacks the personality of the first. I kept thinking of him craning his neck and spreading his hood, or rearing back while his sail rose, and the more compact dragon of the first attempt didn’t have an expressive (for lack of a better word) enough body for things like that.
And now to bed.