Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 580: Face-Off.

So I’m better now. For real this time.

Anyhow, I spent today with some friends that I don’t see as often as I should, and watched some wrestling. So naturally, I was moved to draw something aggressive. I started with the idea of two dragons snarling or roaring at one another, chest to chest, but then somewhere in the midst of it, I wasn’t sure if I liked the idea, something about the idea of “dragon as snarling beast in threat display” didn’t sit well with me, even though my rational mind understood that this made perfect sense.

For the most part, dragons are all about position and power, along with position defined through power, and a staredown or similar display would be an effective, nonviolent way to remind or otherwise enforce unwritten hierarchies, because even the threat of power has power.

Nevertheless, for whatever reason, I couldn’t convince my irrational mind to go along with it (I think that one of the two may have wanted to do some looking at threat displays, and  the eye placement was bothering me just a little), so here is half of what I intended to do, but it’s still pretty good on its own.

01272013 - Face-Off.


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