Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 565: Elder Dragon Legend Pauper Magic.

While tonight’s title might seem like a strange string of words put together for no real purpose, it actually makes sense…


So after a Saturday afternoon Pathfinder session, some of us idled the rest of the evening/night away playing Commander. Somehow, the idea of each of us picking one of the Elder Dragon Legends (from the Legends set) and building Commander decks only using commons and uncommons came up.

While we all kind of shied away from Nicol Bolas, probably because he’s absurdly powerful compared to the other four, somehow, I decided that Arcades Sabboth was the dragon for me. I’m still not sure why I did that; it mgiht have had something to do with a lack of sleep, but it stuck and now (but not right now) I’m trying to see if I can make some sort of Exalted deck.


Anyhoo, the point is that I did some fan art. Ed Beard’s original vision of the draconic war commander (that’s the only way I can explain his giving other creatures a bonus on defense by just standing there) seems a wee bit un-dragony at first glance, but a user on Gather pointed out something interesting about him:

@ TheWrathofShane:
Call it crap all you like, I’ve still seen it win games.
Also, he wears a cloak. As a dragon.
Posted By: Sharu (3/26/2012 4:45:14 AM)

So, thus motivated, I did this:

01122013 - Arcades Sabboth

I admit I took a few liberties trying to understand and pivot the anatomy of Sabboth’s face, but on the whole, I feel that it’s pretty spot-on. Those of you who are bored or interested can read this explanation of Magic canon concerning the Elder Dragons that I found while looking for references.


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