Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 544: (The Beginning of) The End of the World as We Know It: Meme Edition.


Philosoraptor has a point…

I saw the above meme earlier today,  then at some point, I had an at least halfway decent idea involving the Dragon of Revelation, the internet, and/or Mayans, but I must have forgotten it amidst seemingly endless errands and partygoing today, because by the time I sat down to do it, I had nothing. So instead, I thought I would try and finagle some of the details of Pride.


Partway through this, I became grossly dissatisfied with the way the fins on the sides of the head were looking- something about the vanes in them was bothering me, so I did some also unsatisfying sketches of alternate types of fin that I didn’t even bother to scan.

Bah. I’m going to bed.

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