Last night’s drawing had me thinking a lot about Very Large Dragons for some reason; I even started imagining the dialogue between the Old One from last night and the human-sized creature it was regarding.
This kind of led me to think about other Very Large Dragons, and after thinking about it, probably the fact that I’m reading Dr. Karl Shuker‘s lovely book, Dragons: A Natural History and its descriptions of many almost impossibly huge old-timey dragons probably also kickstarted something in my head.
Anyhow, I got off to an interesting start, then got interrupted by some Court of Miracles shenanigans on the way home, and kind of lost the mental thread, as well as my interest on this kind of hot end-of-May; I had started wrestling mentally with the idea that since the dragon was so BIG, all the little details of the texture of its skin would be glaringly obvious, as seeing it even at distance would be akin to an extreme closeup.
But anyhow, here’s what I ended the night with.
I’m not sure where the 3 eyes came from; even as I was drawing it I started thinking that that’s one particular well I’ve been going to a lot lately, and that it was looking a little more alien than draconic, but anything at that size would probably start to look a little otherworldly.