No April Fool’s gag today, though I wish I had come up with one; it always kinfd of gets away from me.
I tried to think in colors today instead of strictly in lines. It probably helped that I was trying to do something that I’m pretty familiar with, a Blue Dragon from the 3.5 Edition of Dungeons and Dragons.
If I’d had another hour or so, I might have turned it into something a little more presentable, but things got in the way today, and then there was WrestleMania. Not really an excuse, but more of an explanation of my lack of time management today.
The different colors served more as delineations than hard and fast areas of color at first, and as I worked I began to add more colors to the palette (I wish I had taken snapshots as I went) and it began to take shape almost on its won, which was a pretty rewarding feeling. Messing with the transparency levels of the brushes on different layers made the idea of working up amounts of rendering a little less intimidating, but only a little.
I wish I didn’t have to be so tired to make these intuitive leaps; now I’m going to stumble off to bed so I can go to work in 7 hours.