Tag Archives: The Interloper
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,365: Flitting Thoughts.
While trying to make this into something more than a thick-necked head sketch, I had the random thought that despite its bizarre appearance, The Interloper is basically just some sort of twisted faerie dragon. I’m not sure how i feel … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,301: Hounding After It.
Still feeling a bit rudderless, I started out trying to figure out what that (maybe not-so) vaguely canid dragon from yestereve might look like, but found myself a bit distracted, thinking about other non-normative dragons that have shown up here … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 802: Into The Woods, Day V.
… I saw a waggle dance, which was one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 660: I Made You A Birthday Cake…
With the events of Monday, I totally forgot that it was my friend Mordicai’s birthday. Veterans of this blog will remember the piece of birthday art he did for me, so it’s only fair that I do some for him. … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 583: The Affaris of Dragons, Part 11 of several.
Artist’s Note: While working on this at the laundromat, a young Mexican girl (probably 8 or so) saw it and told me that I was “a good drawer.” I didn’t have the heart to tell her that the word is draftsman/woman/person, so I just thanked her and smiled. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 582: The Affairs of Dragons, Part 10 of several.
“Are there others like it, or even more aberrant… mutants from another, fouler clutch lurking in the worlds beyond?” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 535: More Interloping.
I was trying to come up with some appropriate prose for tonight, but I blanked. Continue reading