Tag Archives: skull
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,222: Heading to Sleep.
Just some head things and a bit of scales, because I’m working at the polls for Election Day and need to be there early: Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,206: Head Games.
Skulls! And Halloween is still like 2 weeks away! Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,099: Skullomania.
So I took a minute and instead of drawing an oval and extrapolating from there, I tried to actually put enough space for a head and jaw, something like a theropod’s skull, which I guess I was really doing already, … Continue reading
Dragon-A.Day Online, Day 1,090: Cute But Fierce.
-Too small to really eat people.
-Adorable fireball.
-Poorly drawn cupcake people. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 753: Getting Back to My Roots Somewhat.
Longtime fans of the blog (really, probably just me at this point) will remember that this started as a sort of design challenge, and gradually transitioned into more of a personal journal/series of random musings about the nature of dragons, then swung back briefly in the original direction and so on. Today’s post is a bit of both. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day, Day 10
I can’t draw stuff I’m not familiar with when I’m exhausted. Go figure. Continue reading