Tag Archives: contempt
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,318: About A Foot.
“I’m on a bus to Cleveland, final destination Michigan. Some dude with creepy-looking feet who mutters to himself managed to weird his way into a seat by himself. Now he’s sticking his feet into the aisle; the only thing … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 823: Speak Softly…
“Quiet confidence is fine for acquaintanceship, but it rarely Impresses.” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day online: Day 534: The Affairs of Dragons, Part 10 of several.
“Aye, *shame*. The same shame you humans feel when reminded you are little more than rutting beasts wearing the thin trappings of civilization, so were *they* shamed by remembering their *own* perceived shortcomings.” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 476: Shame.
“They impose their own limitations on you and take away your strength by calling it ‘desperation.’ ” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 437: Why?
“Because in the scheme of things, your ‘understanding’ of my motivations or desires hardly changes them.” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 434: Aggression, Fairness and Balance.
“Equating aggression with lack of foresight is like assuming that I am stupid because I am stronger than you.” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 429: The Value of Secrets.
“Hoarding secrets, a most delicate, and dare I say, *thankless* undertaking” Continue reading