Tag Archives: Annoyed
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 864: Another One of Those Days.
It’s been a day. I’m sure I’ve said that before, and probably recently. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 838: Whoaaa…
Can’t fall asleep because of the discomfort, can’t really do anything about it because I am sooo hopped up on goofathol right now. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 836: A New Perspective.
Pretty sure I used this title before for something else, but I couldn’t think of a witty one. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 814: Backlog II: Back-to-Back.
Everything’s been so stupid-busy lately, I feel lost in the woods and my backlog of posts has been piling up.
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 813: Backlog: The Backening.
… I also realized that there’s significant chunks missing from previous years when the blog “went dark” for awhile, and I don’t know if there’s any die-hard completionists out there who want to see what I was drawing 3 years ago that badly. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 804: Into the Woods: Day VII.
I’m not great at drawing cars, though we drove through some real pretty landscape before we were too late to get to the thing we were supposed to do. Continue reading