Tag Archives: horns
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 601: Finding the Path.
“Scales the color of emeralds armor this ferocious dragon. A single sharp horn protrudes from the end of its toothy snout.” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 542: (The Beginning of) The End of the World as We Know It: Day 6 of 7
… it’s time to roll up some sleeves and get in touch with my worst angels, so to speak … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 541: (The Beginning of) The End of the World as We Know It: Day 5 of 7
Sloth gets revamped, Wrath gets infected by the Rule of Cool, and Envy is probably going to stay the same, but I didn’t have enough time to flesh it out fully… Can we finish this before the Mayan calendar runs out? Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 540: (The Beginning of) The End of the World as We Know It: Day 4 of 7
It’s Day 4 already? I need to hurry up.
Which, incidentally, is (probably) ironic that today was the day I worked on Sloth. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 537: (The Beginning of) The End of the World as We Know It: Day 1 of 7
So according to, um, the Mayans or something, the world is ending in about a week. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 309
just a bit of self-critique about how I keep damaging my own anatomy. Continue reading