Tag Archives: clothing
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 565: Elder Dragon Legend Pauper Magic.
… somehow, I decided that Arcades Sabboth was the dragon for me.
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 548: Checked It Twice.
Do not awaken until Xmas. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 547: Santa Dragon Shape-up.
The hindlegs are almost comically short; like a magical reindeer, much of his upward thrust comes from Christmas Magic, or maybe the sweet tears of children; I’m still not sure. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 546: ‘Twas…
A brief look at the evolution of Santa Dragon, and the design flaws that were never addressed. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 536: Random Word: Stockinged.
Despite trying to catch up on sleep the last few days, I am more tired than inspired. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 454: The Things That We Lost.
“As I suppose was really only to be expected, as a result of moving twice in six months (technically thrice, but the less said about that, the better), some of my things, a Fancy Hat and vest among them, have turned up missing.” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 258
New Employee Orientation Guide needs to come with a crossword puzzle or something, so you’ll have something to do while getting paid to do very little. Continue reading