Tag Archives: Lowest Common Denominator
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 978: Appealing to the Lowest Common Denominator, 7 of several.
Wrath and Sloth must be my sins, considering how wrapped up I’ve been in fixing them. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 973: Appealing to the Lowest Common Denominator, 5 of several.
Flumph. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 968: Appealing to the Lowest Common Denominator, 4 of several.
I think it’s the beak. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 966: Appealing to the Lowest Common Denominator, 3 of several.
The pentagrammy elements might take away too much from text space, so for now I’m shelving it.
However, I did think of something not-quite-as-propaganda-y, but I like Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 965: Appealing to the Lowest Common Denominator, 2 of several.
So I did a little sketching around and looking at propaganda posters in Google Images for inspiration, but haven’t made any hard decisions yet. I thought that design-type elements like type and negative space ought to play a stronger role … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 964: Appealing to the Lowest Common Denominator, 1 of several.
So, two things: 1): I rediscovered the joys of a hard pencil. I’ve been working with Pentel B leads for the last year or so, and have been getting all smudgy. I was trying to find some HB leads for … Continue reading