Category Archives: Request Line
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,227: Holding On.
“You haven’t drawn a dragon with a hoard in a while.” So while working on this, I had a clear vision of this dragon being red. There were also more bits and frills, but those got taken off for some … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,226: Suggestion Noted.
I got some interesting suggestions tonight that I’m probably going to look into in the coming days. but for now, it’s way late and I’m tired, so here:
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,158: Durdling Around.
“Durdle – Kind of helpless and adorable, like he’s been turned on his back or something.” Continue reading
Dragon-A_Day Online: Day 1,148: Armored (Fashion) Plate.
The wings are a bit lopsided, partially because I didn’t quite plan for them, and someday I will come to understand clothing, but today is not that day: When I decided to take another look at the viceroy, he seemed … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day online: Day 1,139: Which Came First.
“I should probably figure out what the cockatrice looks like as an adult before pressing on too far with fluffy death machine action.” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,129: Fancying About.
Viceroy! Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: DAy 1,128: The People Have Spoken.
Now I’ve done some fanciness in my time, but I’ll have to attain a new level of refinement in order to do this up right. Stay tuned. Continue reading